Monday 1 November 2010

Zombie: An anthology of the undead"

Zombies. I didn't know much about them before, but since reading "Zombie : An anthology of the undead" which consists of nineteen short stories, I have learnt more than I probably ever needed to know about the walking dead. I really enjoyed reading all of these stories, as they each present a different perspective on zombies. You encounter zombie hunters, zombies being used as slaves, a post apocalyptic tale of zombies taking over the world and one about a ruthless businessman who makes the conscious decision to become a zombie for the ever after, rather than facing death from cancer. A couple of the stories really stood out for me, the first of these being 'What Maisie knew", by David Liss. In this tale a zombie succeeds in exacting a fitting revenge upon her killer, it keeps you guessing until the end. The second was a story called "Twittering from the circus of the dead" by Joe Hill, which is both disturbing and thrilling. This story is written from a teenage girls point of view as she tweets to a friend about a horrific situation she finds herself in, at a circus far away from civilization. Using tweets was a really effective means of telling the story, and succeeds in creating an atmosphere of suspense. Other notables for me were "Lazarus" which has a biblical feel, and "Copper" a story of using zombies in combat. I really enjoyed the majority of the stories I read in this anthology. They are all very well written, diverse and although I am not normally a fan of the horror genre, I would highly recommend them to anyone, fans of horror or not.


1 comment:

Jess said...

Do you think this book might be a good one for the Adult Reader's Book Club?