Tuesday 18 January 2011

Lessons in Letting Go: Confessions of a Hoarder, Corinne Grant

I like Corinne Grant. I've watched her on The Glasshouse and Rove. I identified with her, a country girl a bit younger than me, similar life experience. 

She is hilarious but little did I know until now that she was a hoarder. "Lessons in Letting Go: Confessions of a Hoarder" is her own work and it is brutally honest.

I was quite shocked at the stories of how much stuff she kept and her habit of keeping broken things. And yet I understood her talk of Christmas guilt that might lead you to keep a present that you have never used for years. She couldn't get rid of any clothes because they all brought back memories. This situation was tangled up with a past relationship breakdown.

Thankfully Corinne seems to be on top of things now and has some good advice for everyone. However, I cannot agree with the comment on the back cover of the book describing it as a "delightful memoir", it is harrowing at times but it does have funny moments. Try it.


1 comment:

plugger said...

Corinne gives some great tips for those with a serious hoarding problem. I have more of an accumulating problem, any books out there on clearing stuff out then just refilling with new stuff - must have something to do with keeping the economy afloat, not sure about the environment though.