Wednesday 23 February 2011

The Household Guide to Dying by Debra Adelaide

I just couldn't put this paperback back of the shelf. With that title I really, really needed to find out what it was about. It actually was about dying. I had my first little sniffle (ok then, big cry) when the main character decided early one morning that her two little daughters (eight and ten years old) needed to learn how to make a decent pot of tea. Since tea making is close to my heart I emphasised with the main character immediately.

The Australian author takes us back to when the character was a young girl of sixteen and fled to Sydney when she became pregnant to a flaky rock musician. The story switches between Amethyst, an outback Queensland town and Sydney. The novel shifts between her early years and the present.

Delia Bennet, the main character, is a column journalist and the author of several "Household Guides". When her cancer fails to respond to treatment she decides to write her last Household Guide. The chapter on "choosing your coffin" is rather poignant.

I recommend this novel to all those whose tear ducts enjoy a regular cleansing.

Jeanette - Sutherland


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also read and enjoyed this book. As an aside, the author grew up in the local area.