Monday 18 April 2011


"2012 AND BEYOND" by Diana Cooper provides understanding of the ancient prophecies for 2012 and what is expected to happen in that year and the incredible changes that will occur worldwide in the next 20 years.

During the Transition Period from 2012 - 2032 the author discusses some of the following subjects :The cleansing of the planet, the world economy, power supplies and travel, weather changes worldwide, forecasts for Australasia and the Pacific Islands, Fifth Dimensional communities, population, people power ,technology ,religion and spirituality to name just a few.

Diana Cooper talks about enlightenment, abundance and manifestation.

She offers forecasts for 2032 , the time when new Golden Cities will arise and everone will be living in the fifth dimension.

The angelic guidance, exercises, visualisations, healings and affirmations within this book will, according to the author, help prepare you for 2102 and beyond!

This book is captivating especially if you have a spiritual leaning.

Posted by Bronwyn.


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