Thursday 28 April 2011

Halo By Alexandra Adornetto

HALO: The first time I picked up this book was at the second hand store. I had stopped there to pick up something to read on my way home from work. Little did I know what I had in my hand was going to be one of those fun, easy books that has you hooked from the first page.
It starts with three angels (Ivy, Bethany and Gabriel) sent from heaven on a mission: to protect the quiet little town called Venus Cove, from dark forces.
It takes time for them to adjust to the normal routine things of daily human life, but before long they are blending into community life.
But as with any good book it doesn't stay quiet and easy-going for long.
Recommended for anyone who likes Twilight but with a more prominent Good Vs Evil theme to it.
Sam/ Cronulla


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