Wednesday 15 June 2011

The River Wife by Heather Rose

This poignant tale of love, longing and loss introduces us to some strange, but interesting characters. It is a quirky blend of fable, myth and fairy tale which has a modern environmental undertone. The River Wife is fish by night and human by day as her mother was. She was taught to tend the river and keep the stories of the world alive.

The River Wife was brought up by her perfectly “normal” human father who, when he got old and tired, planted himself on the bank of the river and “grew” into a tree with moss growing all over him.

Climate change had a serious effect on the River Wife because it meant an enforced separation from her first husband the Winter King (he could manifest either as a bear or a human). He chose not to eat his wife when he caught her in the river, but ate the trout instead because they were bad mannered.

She began to question where she belonged when she met and fell in love with the human Wilson James. They found that they had much in common including the loss of a child. The sacrifice that parents, in particular mothers, make for their children is part of the mystery that is hinted at and becomes the dénouement at the end of the book.

Note: The author is from Tasmania and is the chairman and founder of Green Team Australia



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