Friday 18 March 2011

"The Mud House: Four Friends,One Block of Land, No Power Tools"

Richard Glover of 702 ABC Radio Drive time fame is the author of  "The Mud House: Four Friends,one block of land, no power tools". For 25 years he built a mud brick house in the NSW bush near Taralga. Working with a friend, journalist Philip Clark, they approached this daunting task with very little skill, a great amount of naivety and a down to earth (excuse the pun) sense of humour. They learnt each job one at a time as the need arose, quite often from books and magazines. Male bonding, fatherhood and friendship are explored and discussed all with a quirky sense of honesty and self depreciation. I rarely read non fiction so I was surprised that I enjoyed this book so much. I doubt that I will ever take on such a challenge myself but I can at least appreciate the huge amount of patience and perseverance it must have taken to achieve their goal. Mr Glover says "I made the house and it made me" that just about sums it up.


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